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The Johnson's

Our Little Family - A little bit about each of us



The man that puts up with all my crazy ideas for this farm! He is always there to help me with anything! He was the one that got me hooked into this life style.
He grew up helping his Grandpa Lee and his Uncle Dean on their family farm, Guggisberg Farms. From dairy cattle, hogs, sheep, and now beef cattle, Adam has gotten his fair share of experience with animals and farm equipment. He has a degree for diesel mechanic. He was an active member in his local 4H and FFA when he was younger. 
He didn't mind when I asked to have goats, even though he didn't have much experience with them. It was just another adventure we got to go on together. I think I have turned him into quite a goat fan! Even though I think the beef cows will always be his favorite.



Hey! I'm the one that runs the website and Facebook page. I'm also the one that has a huge passion for all animals. More often than not I am behind the crazy ideas for things for our farm. 
I grew up in the small town of Morgan. Even though I didn't live on a farm I had plenty of friends that did! Both my parents are also animal lovers so my love for animals started very young. I always wanted to grow up and work with animals and maybe some day have a farm site of my own were I could own all the animals I wanted. Well when Adam and I started dating our senior year of high school (We were classmates since 1st grade), he took me to his uncles farm and started showing me the ropes. He and his family showed me the hard work, time, teamwork, and of course the fun it takes to run a farm. Needless to say it didn't change my dream it just fueled it more. I went to college and got a degree in Veterinary technology. 
I am very proud of all we have accomplished for our small farm so far. we are always learning new things that we can do to improve how things work around here.


Riley Jean

Riley joined our family on February 11, 2021. She has been the best addition to the family! She is already turning into quite the animal lover! She enjoys coming out and "helping" with chores and seeing all the animals. She also loves riding on the tractor, when dad drives it across the yard. The tractors and equipment are fun to watch at Uncle Deano's farm too. 
We can't wait to see what the future holds for you little girl! You will do great things!

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